Kentuckiana Bridges Congress -VIRTUAL Fall PDD

Kentuckiana Bridges Congress – September 24, 2021

Topic: Fall Professional Development Day


Welcome! In coordination with the Project Management Institute (PMI) Kentuckiana Chapter and Cprime, our organizing committee is thrilled to host the inaugural PMI Kentuckiana Bridges Congress! Our conference will include topics of interest to project managers as well as the many practitioners that work with them, including data analysts, business analysts, product owners, and other change agents.


Check out our virtual conference platform provider, Whova Online and Mobile Event App! With the benefit of hosting our conference via Whova, we are able to record every session that takes place during the conference. These sessions will then be edited by a professional videographer from Cprime and placed back onto the platform once the conference wraps.


All registered attendees will be able to access these recordings for up to 6 months post-conference! You'll be able to view any session you missed or go back and watch a favorite again! With this feature, you'll be able to claim all 11 PMI PDU and IIBA CDU continuing education credits offered at this year's conference.


This year's theme is Project Managment and Beyond!

The conference will feature 2, 30-minute keynotes + 3 concurrent tracks, with 3 sessions offered under each track (11 sessions total!). Each track session is 45 minutes + 15 minutes for Q&A and open forum discussion with the speaker!

 Register Now


Introducing our Keynote Speakers

Morning Keynote: Resli Costabell
Impostor Syndrome

Resli Costabell Headshot"Impostor syndrome is what’s going on when despite being competent, you feel a bit of a fraud. Impostor Syndrome is very common – including among highly capable senior executives.

What does Impostor Syndrome feel like? Others see you as capable, but you believe you’re in over your head. You fear you don’t have what it takes to get the project done properly. You are a little embarrassed as you angle your camera so people won’t see laundry hanging from the treadmill.

In short, you feel like an impostor. And you probably feel as if any day now, people are going to realize that you have no business being in your position.

In this session, participants get the reassurance of finding out that they’re not alone in having Impostor Syndrome. They learn what’s behind it, and how they can move from feeling like an impostor to feeling like The Real Deal. No need to prepare for this session. Just show up with work clothes on your top half and your Business Pajamas on your bottom half.

Your session leader is Resli Costabell. When Resli was first asked to deliver a session on impostor syndrome, her immediate thought was that she was not qualified to do so. Savor the irony."


Endnote: Julie Kowalski
Project Manager’s Tool Kit: Holding People Accountable Whether They Report to You or Not

Julie Kowalski headshot

In a world where you get results through teams and teamwork, holding people accountable is a key to real success. Come hear accomplished thought leader and professional trainer, Julie Kowalski of Spizzerinctum Group, share why people need to be held accountable, the main reasons people fail to deliver, why we don’t hold people accountable even when we know we should. She will also share proven tips, tools, and techniques for holding people accountable (including yourself and those who do and do not report to you) in a positive and very effective manner.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Professional Development Day

Date: September 24th, 2021

Hour: 8:30AM to 3:30PM

Registration close date: September 23rd, 2021 at 1:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free

